Ignore files and folders

In order to make Æoncase ignore a local file or directory (that is, neither upload nor sync it to other computers), simply add its name to a plain text file named either _aeoncaseignore or .aeoncaseignore in that directory.

For instance, if you want to ignore LargeMovie.mp4, just create a _aeoncaseignore plain text file with these contents:


You can also use wildcards to ignore a whole class of files, for example by file extension. In order to ignore all .mp4 movies, put this in the _aeoncaseignore file:



Patterns in the _aeoncaseignore(.aeoncaseignore) files affect files in the directory where they are placed and all descendants.


_aeoncaseignore(.aeoncaseignore) files honor a syntax similar to Git’s .gitignore files, including:

  • negation with ! (matching files are not ignored)
  • comments starting with # ignore.md (END)